The new book by lawyer and writer Ericson Scorsim, which has just been released in English, reveals the game of Geopolitics and Communications. The contest for global leadership between China and the United States is the central theme of this important and thorough work.
5G technology will set the course for the digital economy. The country that leads in this technological environment will have a strong influence on the global economy. Who is leading this dispute?
In the 5G Communications Political Game, Ericson Scorsim discusses cyber espionage issues across countries, analyzes defense and national intelligence issues, exposes the regulatory aspects involving 5G, and points out that there are geopolitical and geostrategic risks for technology supplier companies to be measured.
And Brazil?
The impacts are significant.
There are challenges, risks, and opportunities for actors in this scenario. The State’s mission is to defend Brazil’s cyber sovereignty and protect critical telecommunications infrastructure. 5G technology providers, as well as telecom operating companies, have investment opportunities. What’s more, 5G technology will create the opportunity to develop new digital ecosystem as well as new business models in multiple segments: telecommunications, education, environmental services, public safety, precision agriculture, medicine, hospitals and health, smart cities, ports and airports, logistics, media, energy, Big Techs, FinTechs, GovTechs, among others.
Currently, European companies Ericsson and Nokia, and Chinese company Huawei are suppliers of 5G technology to Brazil.
The dispute between these companies could trigger an increase in costs for consumers and a delay in the development of 5G. This is a national security interest topic for the United States.
The work clarifies relevant issues, while raising new questions and possibilities.
The geopolitical game of 5G Communications has already begun. Go deeper into the topic and get the greatest possible advantage in this competitive environment.